Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Seeing Through a Different Pair of Eyes

Yes, color blindness again. For some reason, it intrigues me! The idea that certain people are seeing the world through a vastly different set of lenses is something I cannot imagine. Okay, I can imagine the idea, but I can't imagine the life.

For instance, check out the images below. The first shows normal vision, while the second shows a dichromat vision simulation.

They came from a site called Vischeck, which even MORE interestingly (hard to imagine, right?), has a Photoshop plug-in that will filter your image to simulate 3 types of color blindness. Otherwise, right on their site is an area to type in a url (or upload an image) and view it as a color blind simulation.

So check it out - how does your favorite site look through these lenses?

Friday, February 12, 2010

Superhero Powers

I stumbled upon this post...
Not surpisingly, its about superheros that have questionable "powers" that may or may not be entertaining to watch.

It makes me think about all the drafts we create. The ideas that aren't fully formed yet. Not everything we come up with may be a good idea and shouldn't get past the drawing board.

Or maybe it just needs the RIGHT person to execute.

Mr. Fantastic on the left can stretch - which makes him pretty lame according to this post.

However, ElastiGirl can also stretch and she's an awesome crime fighter!

Sometimes you just have to look at the problem from a different angle to figure it out.

What different angle do you need?

Thursday, February 11, 2010

USB Powered Gloves!

These awesome gloves are heated by plugging into a USB port! And they are quite fashionable to boot! According to the web site they run about $28.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

What is your next big goal?

Mine is taking my Motorcycle Basic Rider Training Course! I down loaded one of MagnetStreet's wedding countdown widgets to mark the time. As of 10pm Tuesday, February 9, 2010 I have 70 days: 18 hours: 58 mins: 36 sec! This is my dream, what is your dream?

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Fridge on the Wall

Ahh... those were the days, when fridges came in teal! Could you imagine what it would be like to have a fridge up on the wall like this? It looks cool! It would make for a whole new take on kitchen design. No more big space for a fridge!

It's also interesting to see how they marketed these crazy things... Who would have a WHOLE ham AND a WHOLE chicken in their fridge at the SAME TIME? I guess they were pretty hungry!

I found this awsome photo in a blog on Creative Pro. See the whole article here: www.creativepro.com/blog/scanning-around-gene-what-s-your-refrigerator

Monday, February 1, 2010

The Smallest Thing

Okay, you have to go to this page. It will take 15 seconds of your time. Why bother, you ask?

One: it is a perfect example of the wonders and benefits of vector art. Two: it's a really simplistic tool that biology classes should use. Three: it's an interactive graphic that easily illustrates how big a cell is compared to everyday items.

Four: can you find the carbon atom?