What is there to say? These two pages spoke to me. And I listened. They whispered "open the drawer... you see that stapler? Go to town! Oooh, are those rubber bands? You know what you could do with those?" And so on. The post-its are in honor of Kara. The paper clips came from The Creative Group; swag from the HOW Conference.
by Jamie At first I thought I should literally start drawing circles all over the page, but circles are everywhere. I had a few pennies lying around, so I decided to increase the value of these pages and contribute some more circles at the same time. I'd like to see just how many different types of circles we can come up with to fill the page.
Why I did what I did... ...no real meaning behind it. I was feeling under the weather and pancakes sounded really good for dinner. Eric doesn't think it's right to have breakfast for dinner so I took this opportunity to write it all over the spine of the journal for everyone to see :)
When I was in high school, I used to pass the time in class by writing my name over and over in my notebook. I would then go through all of them and highlight the ones I liked the best. I thought that this would be a fun exercise in the journal for me to complete. It brought back a lot of memories!