Thursday, July 30, 2009

Cool Color Website

I found this website that helps me when I am looking for color inspiration. It has swatches of popular color combinations with the rgb breakdown.

Lori's 10th Anniversary

I wanted to share with everyone what a great day I had on Wednesday! Robin decorated my cube with twilight inspired streamers. Robin also got me a matching feather boa which I wore all day with some highly fashionable sunglasses. (I'm giving Elton John a run for his money). Bob did a great job on my poster adding in "bling" just my style. And both Ben and Robin made sure the cake was just how I liked it. Chocolate with buttercream icing. The icing colors were black and red, John Jackson said very twilight. Several coworkers had nice things to say but no one would let me forget how I adored Joshua Jackson during the Dawson Creek days. And now how my cube is decorated in everything Twilight-Edward Cullen. Pam, yesterday you had asked if I was married or dating anyone, sadly no. I am looking for Mr. Right (if anyone has single guy friends keep me in mind :0) but I have attached a picture of my fictional boyfriend Edward. tee hee Overall, it was a fun day. It was nice to hear that so many people appreciate me and are glad that I have stuck it out through the good and bad times. I wanted to thank everyone in this department, you have made me feel so welcomed over the past 6 months.
Enjoy the pictures! Lori

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Wrecking Havoc... BOB!

Bob, Bob, Bob... what can we say? You continue to exceed expectations. While most of us are content with creating a page in an hour or so... you have to go the extra mile and spend several days if not weeks wrecking havoc upon our beloved journal. While the timeline leaves something else to be desired, the outcome is rather remarkable. Its not something to be expected of you!

Pressing several flowers within the pages of our journal was no small task, I hope no eyebrows were harmed in the lifting of all those books! I was surprised by the quality and variety of flowers you selected. Nice job Bob!

(You might want to get started on the next one to be finished "on time".)

Wrecking... Lori

Lori turned to the art of collage when wrecking our journal. She chose to collect stamps off all her mail. It appears that Lori has many many friends sending her elegant correspondence. She has quite the collection of stamps for us to enjoy and be inspired by! Thanks Lori!

Journal Wrecking... Ben

Ben took his turn wrecking our beloved journal and he selected "DOODLE over top this page."

The tool of choice looks to be a red permanent marker. Displaying his wonderful doodling skills, he depicted Odie, which most of us know from the cartoon "Garfield" his subtle hues and delicate lines bring to mind a carefully rendered depiction of a overly-salivating canine with a river of drool falling off the page.

To complete this masterpiece, Ben included the line "Ha! They said 'DOOD'" I couldn't have put it better myself.