Friday, April 30, 2010

Paper Doll - Photoshop Style

I found this both amusing and impressive. This guy takes high resolution photos of WWII militaria and insignia to create Photoshop images of himself in the Captain's uniform of both axis and allied armed forces.

View them all here!

Among my favorite features are the ever-changing facial hair and the way each uniform gives him a different personality.

Which one is your favorite?

(for any history enthusiasts, he explains each serviceman's role when you click on the photos in the above link)
Captain US 101st Airborne
Captain, French Foreign Legion

Captain, Long Range Desert Group

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Literal Interpretations

In the creative realm, we frequently make use of metaphors and abstractions to illustrate our point. But what if people took us literally?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Telling Tales

The following story is taken directly from mackin ink. It's an endearing (and amusing) look at the tales fathers will tell  - and the length at which children will believe!
"lillie and grae asked for a little brother for years. the closest we could come is giving them the little hooligan known as esmé.

somewhere along the way, in a genius burst of inspiration, uncle sugar started telling the girlies three tales about his son from a previous relationship.

{note: there is no son. i repeat. uncle sugar does not have a son. only the girlies three. because, as he always says, it takes a real man to make a woman. ugh.}

his fake son's name is ricky. apparently, he is in his forties. which makes him a smidge older than uncle sugar. just one of about one hundred details the girlies three have not yet questioned.

yesterday, esmé and i were at the bookshop when she handed me a book about a little rabbit. what's the name of this one? she asked.

ricky, i answered.

oh! like daddy's son!

i looked around at the other nannies, smiled in a shush it, esmé clenched jaw kind of a smile, and hisspered, daddy. doesn't. have. a. son."
Sorry to tease, but you'll have to go to her blog to read the rest - it would be unfair to her to steal traffic! (her girls are hilarious)

Friday, April 16, 2010

Friday Fotos

Keeping on the subject of cute, I came across this collection of napping newborns - they are so sweet! The photography definitely does them justice. Enjoy! Go to the site to see all 25 sleepers.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

A Quick Smile

Okay, I don't know about you, but something that will put a quick smile on my face are baby animals and animals dressed up. I found this site: Cute Over Load and it makes me crack up every time I scroll through.

Corny, I know, but if you're in the mood for a chuckle, or just need a pick-me-up in the day, check out this site - everyone's got a soft spot in them!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Speaking of facelifts...

Since got a facelift, and since blogger has this great draft platform now, it only seemed fitting to give our own Wreck This Journal a facelift, too.

What do you think?